Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The function of catecholase Essay Example for Free

The function of catecholase Essay 5 mL of enzyme, and all of the trials were set up as two tubes to begin with. One tube had 3. 5 mL of water and 2. 0 mL of catechol, and the other had . 5 mL of enzyme. By keeping the enzyme and substrate separate, we were able to have more control over the starting point of the reaction, and were able to bring each individual component to the desired temperature before starting. The temperatures that our group tested were 37oC, 45oC, 50oC, 55oC, 65oC, and 75oC. Both our group and group A-4 tested 37 and 45 degrees. This allowed us to compare each groups results more accurately. The setup for the actual experiment was that each temperature had its own test tube rack. Four tubes of water and catechol and four tubes of enzyme were put into each rack, and these racks were then submerged into either a hot water bath or a circulating water bath, depending on which temperature was being tested. The tubes were allowed to sit in the water for approximately five minutes to allow the contents of the tubes to come up to the temperature we were trying to test. Then the tube of enzyme was poured into the tube of catechol, the tube was covered and inverted to mix the contents, and the timer was started. We allowed the reaction to run from three to five minutes, keeping track of exactly how long each set went for. Our method for ensuring that the reactions ran for the exact length of time stated was to start each reaction thirty seconds later than the first, and then take the measurements from the spectrophotometer exactly thirty seconds apart, keeping the tubes in the same order. Before measuring each tube, we again inverted it several times to make sure that the product was uniformly distributed throughout the tube. Results Results for Group A-5 Temperature (degrees Celsius) Trial 1. Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Mean Standard Deviation 3 (Table 2) (Graph 1 (Graph 2)According to our results, the optimal temperature for the reaction of catecholase is 45oC. We were able to determine this because the average reaction rate was highest at this temperature (see table 1). We were correct in assuming that the reaction would gradually speed up as the temperature increased until it reached a point where the enzyme began to denature, and then the reaction rate would slow after that. This gradual increase, peak, and then decrease can be seen in the graph 1 above. The bars above and below each data point are representations of the standard deviation associated with each value. This shows how much variation we had within each set of trials. When we compared our results to group A-4, it was clear that they too found the peak reaction rate to be at the 45-degree temperature. This served to further verify our results. It is interesting to note that in the graph of both of our data, although the actual values are not the same, the overall conclusions are. Discussion After analysis of the data, it is clear that our hypothesis was correct, because the found peak does fall within the range of 23 and 75. We can be fairly certain that our data are correct because we were able to control the fixed variables, such as the amounts of each component of the reaction, very well by having the same person measure out the same thing for each trial. We were fairly accurate at controlling the temperature because the baths were monitored at a steady temperature for the time the reaction was taking place, although it would have probably been to our benefit to actually take the temperature of the liquids inside the test tubes instead of only monitoring the environment outside of the tubes. Also, we could have increased accuracy by having the spectrophotometer nearer to the baths, because there was some heat lost during transport, which could have affected the tubes that were measured later. There was also some confusion at the beginning of the experiment about exactly what technique was to be used, which resulted in our having to repeat the trials for the 65-degree temperature. We assume that similar problems are to blame for the differences in the reaction rates for 37o and 45o between our group and group A-4. We also discovered after the experiment had been completed that the other group had left the catechol out in a separate tube during heating, while we left the enzyme out. This difference in method may have contributed to the differences. To make sure that these problems did not result in faulty conclusions, I looked up another experiment on the effects of temperature done by Pierre Greenway. Greenways findings indicate that the peak temperature for enzyme function is actually at 40oC, and not 45. This is an interesting discovery, since we did not test thoroughly in the range of 37o-45o. The next course of experimentation suggested by these findings would be to thoroughly test the reaction rates at temperatures between 35 and 45 degrees Celsius. Measuring at one-degree intervals would give the best results, but may require another collaboration to be achieved in a reasonable amount of time. It may also be interesting to test the reaction rate at even higher temperatures, and try to find the point at which all of the enzyme is completely destroyed. According to the results of Greenway, this temperature was around 60oC for him, but we tested beyond that in our own experiment and found the rate to still be decreasing. Any of these questions would be interesting to try to answer.   Show   The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Patterns of Behaviour section.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Vision of Heaven in the Poetry of Dickinson Essay -- Biography Biograp

Vision of Heaven in the Poetry of Dickinson      Ã‚  Ã‚   Emily Dickinson never became a member of the church although she lived in a typical New England Puritan community all her life. The well-known lines, "Some - keep the Sabbath - going to church - / I - keep it - staying at Home -" (P-236 [B]; J-324),1 suggest her defiance against the existing church and Christianity of her time in particular. And her manner of calling the Deity by such terms as "Burglar," "Banker" (P-39; J-49), and "a jealous God" (P-1752; J-1719) clearly discloses her antagonism against the Christian God. In fact, she insistently rejected being baptized even when her family members and intimate friends at Mount Holyoke Female Seminary had chosen to bow in faith before the Christian Lord. It is no exaggeration to say that Dickinson tried to deviate from the orthodox religious belief prevalent in the society she lived in.    Nevertheless, Dickinson was an avid reader of the Bible, and as Fordyce R. Bennett states in the preface to A Reference Guide to the Bible in Emily Dickinson's Poetry, "Dickinson found story and situation, syntax, symbolism and imagery, inspiration, and much more in the King James Bible" (xi). That is to say, no matter how much she felt uncomfortable among the Christian circle of the New England community of her day, she endeavored to "keep the Sabbath" (P-236 [B]; J-324) in her own way through the most reliable source, the Christian Scripture, which came to her hands quite easily.    The purpose of this paper, then, is to discuss Dickinson's poetry with reference to the Bible†¹especially, the Book of Revelation. One of her poems poses a question: "To that etherial throng / Have not each one of us the rig... ...sachusetts, 1985. Gilbert, Sandra M., and Susan Gubar. The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination. New Haven: Yale UP, 1979. Sewall, Richard B. The Life of Emily Dickinson. 2 vols. 1974. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1980. Wolff, Cynthia Griffin. Emily Dickinson. 1986. Reading: Addison, 1988. Works Consulted Capps, Jack L. Emily Dickinson's Reading 1836-1886. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1966. Dickinson, Emily. The Poems of Emily Dickinson. Ed. Thomas H. Johnson. 3 vols. Cambridge: Belknap-Harvard UP, 1955. McIntosh, James. Nimble Believing: Dickinson and the Unknown. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 2000. Mounce, Robert H. The Book of Revelation. Rev. ed. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1998. Rosenbaum, S. P., ed. A Concordance to the Poems of Emily Dickinson. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1964.   

Monday, January 13, 2020

Organization of relationships Essay

Functionalism Functionalism is perhaps the oldest, and still dominant theoretical perspective in sociology. This paradigm is based upon two related emphases: application of the scientific method to the objective social world, and use of analogy between the individual organism and society. The perspective was developed by Emile Durkheim, and expanded by Talcott Parsons in the 1950s. The perspective assumes: 1) that the application of the scientific method extends to the social world, 2) values provide general guidelines for behavior in terms of roles and norms, 3) institutions are generally composed of interrelated roles and norms, and 4) the society is a functioning organism composed of functioning institutions. Functionalists perceive the social world as objectively real – observable with methods such as surveys and interviews. Rules and regulations assist in the organization of relationships between members of the social body. These institutions of society such as the family, religion, the political system, even the economy are interwoven. They function congruent to social needs and aspirations. They are directed to the attainment of social objectives. Functionalism has the following assumptions: 1) the interrelatedness of institutions, roles, and norms is congruent with social needs; 2) social need is not necessarily physiological in orientation (it can be in the form of status acquisition); 3) gradual change is the main motor of social change (abrupt change is seen as something unnecessary and leading to social dislocation of actors); 4) objectivity is the primary qualification of social research (functionalism, later structural functionalism is highly correlated with the empiricist approach to social research); 5) the social world is generally governed by social actors. Functionalism addresses the following issues: 1) the evolution of roles and norms in a particular social setting, 2) the development of interrelated institutions, 3) the efficacy of long-term change, 4) the cohesive functioning entity, and 5) the importance of role-making and empiricist research. From the five sociological paradigms discussed, conflict theory seemed to be the least useful because: 1) It fails to answer the evolution of roles and norms in the society (it views morality as something created by power politics); 2) While it explains the efficacy of short term (abrupt) change, it fails to fully substantiate the saliency of long-term (gradual) social change; 3) It saw conflict as the only effective means of altering social arrangements, roles, and norms of the society – here, conflict is seen as a positive force of social change (the word ‘positive’ here is morally neutral).

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Securing a Vessel With Cleats Chocks Bits and Bollards

At some point early in your maritime career, someone is going to ask you to tie a boat to something solid so it doesn’t float away. There are specific fixtures on all vessels and docks made for this purpose. We will take a short look at four of the most common and save the specialty fixtures for a little later. Cleats These are fixtures found on docks and vessels. They are shaped like a very wide and short capital letter T. Closed types have a solid base while open types have two closely spaced legs in the center. A line with a loop on the end can be passed through the legs and secured over the horns -- the name of the horizontal piece of the cleat. This allows it to pull tight without the chance of working loose as it would if the loop were just placed over the cleat. Some Dock Masters frown on this because the line can abrade the dock. The best way to tie to a cleat is with a hitch at the end of a line. They come in all sizes from the size of your little finger to the size of your leg. Chocks These are fixtures that hold a line rather than using it as a tie point. It is found near a cleat and keeps the line in position so it does not move laterally and chafe or abrade. They are flattened loops that have a narrow opening at the top to accept and remove the line. Like cleats, these come in all sizes but are usually found aboard vessels and not on docks. Bits These fixtures are a solid column which is sometimes square and sometimes cylindrical. They have a crossbar that is of lesser diameter and forms a lowercase letter t. These are also called Samson posts because they are so strong. You tie to them with a hitch around the crossbar or they accept a looped line well. Bits are mostly found on vessels near the bow and stern, they appear infrequently on docks but it isn’t unheard of if there is a need to use something taller than a cleat in order to accept large diameter lines. Bollards These are the things that look like short metal mushrooms. You can find them on docks and large ships and almost never on smaller vessels. They are made for a loop of line that is placed over the top and the slack is taken up on the other end to make the line tight. Each of the fixtures above has a preferred method of tying. Some of the methods, such as passing the loop through the legs and over the horns of an open cleat, are suitable for heavy weather situations with strong wind and waves. Other methods like a loop should be used in calmer conditions but a hitch can be used at any time. If you want to learn more go to our maritime glossary where you can find more than a simple definition of a term and get some insight into the context and rich maritime history.